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Decide Your Major Goals

  • 52 Weeks
  • 1 Step
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” (Napoleon Hill) Since you become what you think about most of the time, a major definite purpose gives you a focus for every waking moment. As Peter Drucker said, “Whenever you find something getting done, you find a monomaniac with a mission.” The more you think about your major definite purpose, and how to achieve it, the more you activate the Law of Attraction in your life. You begin to attract to you people, opportunities, ideas and resources that help you to move more rapidly toward your goal and move your goal more rapidly toward you. By the Law of Correspondence, your outer world of experience will correspond and harmonize with your inner world of goals. When you have a major definite purpose that you think about, talk about and work on all the time, your outer world will reflect this, like a mirror image. A major definite purpose also activates your subconscious mind on your behalf. Any thought, plan or goal that you can clearly define in your conscious mind, will immediately start to be brought into reality by your subconscious mind (and your superconscious mind, as we will discuss later).

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Family Plan, $15.00/month

Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

ILI Youth Advisory Team

ILI Youth Advisory Team

Private1 Member


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